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Yoga is for everyone, for all ethnicities, for all faiths and cultures. Yoga is truly universal. When we do yoga, we feel physically fit, mentally calm and emotionally content. But it is not just about doing exercise on a mat. Yoga is a way of life. A holistic approach to health and well-being. A way to mindfulness in thoughts and actions. A way to live in harmony-with self, with others and with nature.- Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji.
Read MoreKey mantra of Yoga Day is public participation. Earlier, yoga was seen merely as a form of exercise by Indians, but now it has been made popular globally in its true form, said the Hon'ble Ayush Minister Shri Sarbananda Sonowal. Last time, the direction was from east to west, and this time we are looking to go from north to south— north pole to south pole. This year, our first attempt will be to create the ocean ring, involving all five oceans. View all IDY-2023 Glimpses...
Read MoreCommon Yoga Protocol (CYP) has been designed with the consensus of all the experts. CYP comprises day-to-day Yoga practice for the masses to reap the benefits of Yoga. The protocol intends to create a general awareness among the masses to attain peace, harmony and well-being through Yoga practices such as Yoga Nidra, Pranayama, Dhyan, etc. Enjoy the videos of the best Yoga sessions, keep learning and continue to benefit from Yoga practices.
Read MoreWHO Collaborating Centre is an institution designated by the Director-General of WHO to form part of an international collaborative network set up by WHO in support of its programme at the country, inter-country, regional, interregional and global levels. In line with the WHO policy and strategy of technical cooperation, a WHO collaborating centre also participates in the strengthening of country resources, in terms of information, services, research and training, in support of national health development.
Read MoreThe 5000 years old saga of Yoga has strengthened the health sciences. To keep it alive and progressive, our Yoga Gurus have made innumerable efforts. They popularized Yoga, they educated people and circulated this.